İnsan Kaynakları Uzmanı İş İlanı

İşveren Hakkında


JOB OFFER: Human Relations Specialist

We are looking for a colleague to work as a Human Relations Specialist in our schools. The primary role of the HRS is to cover the recruitment process from the creation and placement of the job post till the work agreement. It is expected to to nurture a strong network, and develop a gentle atmosphere between the employees and the institution.


  • Bachelor’s degree in HR, Marketing, Business Administration, Industry engineering or relevant majors
  • Having an experience in foreign employment, work permit processes
  • Strong knowledge of competency based interviewing techniques, recruitment and training
  • Strong teamwork / collaboration skills
  • Strong knowledge in 4857 sayılı iş kanunu, SGK Mevzuatı, İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Mevzuatı, Bordro, Teşvik, E-Bildirge, SGK İşe Giriş ve SGK İşten Çıkış etc.
  • Being fluent in Turkish & English.
  • Advanced MS Office skills
  • Having an experience in the education field is a plus
  • Having good verbal/oral communications skills
  • Aptitude for critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision making
  • Minimum of 4 years experience

Tasks Requirements

  • Following up the employees, the payroll, timekeeping
  • Analyse job duties, write job descriptions
  • Create and Place Job posts
  • Filtering the CVs, administering pre-employment tests, making appointments, running the interviews.
  • Selecting the right candidates and offering to the departments for positioning
  • Implementing the organizations recruitment strategy
  • Covering Performance Management & HR Operations
  • Respond to the employees' queries and resolve issues in a timely and professional manner.
  • Apply work the work permits of the foreign employees
  • Acquisiton of the pre-approvals from the education ministry (MEB) for the teachers.
  • Creating KPIs for the positions, evaluating and reporting the processes accordingly
  • İşe giriş ve İşten çıkış personel işlemleri gibi tüm özlük süreçlerinin yasal mevzuata uygun şekilde yürütülmesi
  • PDKS veya benzeri programı üzerinden, puantaj, kontrol, raporlama ve aktarımlarının yapılması sürecini yürütmek
  • Tutanak, İhtar, Savunma vb evrakların hazırlanması ,tebliğ edilmesi ve takibinin yapılması
  • İnsan Kaynakları departmanı ile kurumun personel ihtiyacını belirleyerek iş ilanları düzenlemek,

Please send your CVs to the email below