Programme Assistant İş İlanı

İşveren Hakkında


Job Description and Person Specification for Junior Program Assistants

General Roles

  • Work cooperatively with LINK teams and other professionals from a range of organizations to develop services that deliver the best possible outcomes for vulnerable/marginalized individuals and their families.
  • Ensure adherence to internationally recognized protection principles, standards, and relevant international and local regulations.
  • Ensure adherence with GOAL’s code of conducts and other internal policies i.e., on confidentiality, safeguarding, equality, diversity, and inclusion including the GOAL's commitments to the protection against sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA).
  • Work with supervisors and peers in harmony to achieve LINK service plans, objectives, and targets.
  • Participate in one-to-one performance development reviews/appraisals and contribute to the identification of own development needs.
  • Ensure full compliance with the GOAL’s health and safety policy and all locally agreed safe methods of work.

Key Responsibilities

Protection Case Work and Management

  • Participate in outreach activities and assist in identification of refugees in need of protection and social support.
  • Keep track of socio-economical risks faced by refugees through internal tools and forms.
  • Assist in providing legal counselling, assistance to beneficiaries through both direct and remote support (online or phone).
  • Study individual cases and support protection teams in identifying possible courses of action following a thorough protection risk analysis, and assist in filling relevant documents, such as comprehensive assessment and action planning and follow up.
  • Assist in conducting referrals of clients to partner agencies and facilitate access to external services.
  • Monitor to ensure social assistance is reaching out the most vulnerable refugees.
  • Ensuring the maintenance and regular update of case databases.
  • Provide timely follow-up calls and reminders for beneficiaries as requested by supervisors.
  • Research external resources for beneficiaries in respective provinces.
  • When and as requested by the DPMs and field supervisors, support LINK teams with establishing and maintaining constructive dialogue with respective stakeholders responsible for social and protection services delivery.
  • Assist LINK teams with other project activities as needed.
  • Maintain confidentiality in a professional manner.
  • Must be able to maintain appropriate beneficiary boundaries.

Community Outreach and Community Activities

  • Assist in preparation and conducting of group information and awareness raising sessions on various topics, including child labor, gender-based violence, access to social assistance, health, education, women’s rights and civil registration etc.
  • Assist in preparation and conducting of stakeholders’ sensitization activities.
  • Assist in establishing and maintaining networks with existing community and other key stakeholders.
  • Assist in development, preparation and conducting of community events on special days such as world refugee day, international women’s day, etc.

Protection Legal Counselling/Support Activities

  • Support GOAL’s Protection Legal Counsellors with their work routines. This includes:
  • Providing face to face or on call legal counselling.
  • Supporting and advising IPA team in legal matters.
  • Accompaniment of the beneficiaries in police stations, court houses or other relevant public institutions.

Psychoeducation Group Sessions

  • Support GOAL psychologists with their daily work routines; this includes:
  • Preparation and delivery of psychoeducation sessions.
  • Referral of vulnerable individuals identified during psychoeducation sessions to protection teams for individual protection assistance and structured psychological support through inter-agency referral.

Protection Monitoring and Reporting

  • Assist in preparation and conducting of data collection activities, such as focus group discussion (FGD), key informant interviews (KII), media monitoring, desk review, etc.
  • Assist in data analysis activities.


  • Provide monthly progress reports based on individualized learning plans.
  • Prepare a monthly success story to help making living conditions, protection risks, vulnerabilities and needs of refugees visible for sensitization and advocacy purposes.

Other Duties

  • Attend weekly and other relevant team meetings regularly.
  • Assist in the organization and facilitation of capacity building activities e.g., workshops, trainings, etc.
  • Support the planned documentary and interviews in close collaboration with the beneficiaries.Perform other related duties as assigned.


    This job description only serves as a guide for the position available. GOAL reserves the right to change this document. Any published closing dates are estimated.? Due to the nature of GOAL’s work we aim to fill vacancies as quickly as possible.?This means that candidates are responsible for complying with deadlines and are encouraged to submit applications well ahead.

    Before applying, please make sure that you have read the requirements for the position and that you qualify.

    Applications from non-qualifying applicants will most likely be discarded by the recruiting manager.


    Then apply for this position via clicking on the apply button and fill out the application form. All applicants must send a cover letter and an updated CV (no longer than four pages). Both must be in English. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

    Application deadline is 23 November 2021