Social Expert İş İlanı

İşveren Hakkında


We are looking for a 'Social Expert' to work with our client which operates in banking sector.

The Social Expert will take part in developing the social impact identification, measurement and reporting as well as projects implementing the World Bank and other IFI’s Environmental and Social Safeguards Policies containing an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) and Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) during the loan allocation and evaluation processes.

In this role, the canditates are seeked to;

  • Oversee, manage, monitor and report on implementation of the procedures and management plans related to social risks and impacts, gender, social inclusion,
  • Conduct social screening of all the specific sub-projects to ensure all potential social impacts are identified and addressed under applicable RAPs/ESMPs and implemented prior and during civil works.
  • Ensure that vulnerable and disadvantaged groups are identified, and differentiated measures are taken to protect them for being disproportionately affected by the project,
  • Liaise with local authorities and informing them of commitments under RAP provisions and WB’s safeguards requirements for all sub-projects,
  • Ensure proper functioning of the Grievance Redress Mechanisms (GMs) for the project affected parties, and other stakeholders, in accordance with SEP at bank level and also at developer level.
  • Report regularly as part of the project reports to be submitted to the IFIs on all aspects related to social development and social issues (including key project indicators), visual inspections/screening, status of implementation of any RAP, expost social audit, environmental and social due diligence, ESIA, SEP, ESMP sub-management plans, etc.
  • Work as a core team member in every part of the projects and carries on communication/coordination with all counterparties.


  • Master's Degree, or equivalent, in antropology, sociology, social development or other related fields. Engineering background could be an asset.
  • Minimum 3 years of experience in the preparation of above described study areas for projects’ preferably financed by IFIs and nearly 5 years of work experience in social development agenda.
  • Strong familiarity with the IFI’s environmental and social policies.
  • Demonstrated capacity to work through multiple discipline areas and different technical backgrounds.
  • Extraordinary critical thinking and problem solving ability
  • High level of motivation and individual initiative
  • High level of focus on work quality
  • Ability to assume multiple projects simultaneously and to work with tight deadlines.
  • Excellent command of written and verbal English skills
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications